Dream Turned Nightmare!

Dream Turned Nightmare!

by ray stasieczko January 14, 2023

Dream Turned Nightmare! The dreams based on vaporware within the document imaging channel are remarkable. Vaporware is not innovation; listing to the aspirations of dreamers who continuously say this is what we are going to do, and a business model based on the unsubstantiated dreamer's fantasy - is INSANE! The chiefs cooking up the industry's new software, whether CRM, ERP, DCA, RMM, Service Dispatch, Asset management, or e-commerce, believe they can bring multiple cooks together from different kitchens and create a cuisine suitable for the industry's plate. But, unfortunately, diners are more than likely to get food poisoning. Oh, and when they get sick, there will be no doctor capable of understanding what was digested, as the cooks will have been forced from the kitchen by the creditors owning the restaurant. As we have seen in the past, dreams have a deadline to awaken, and today's investors are not near as patient as yesterday's; after all, the industry is actually in a massive decline. Ok, I hear some screaming Ray; IT'S About NO-Code This Time! No code without more articulation of specific value based on proof of concept reminds me of how a long past platform use to promote through endless press releases NO-Bolt-On! So come on, friends, it has to be time for our industry to demand proven concepts, do due diligence, and challenge these dreamers to explain the realities of the dream to the awakened audience. The comfort in participating in dreams that are never accountable to those awake is creating an industry where its actors continuously nod off in hopes they don't fully awaken in a nightmare. Due-Diligence its facts, and its realities will always hold dreamers accountable. ISN'T IT TIME TO WAKE UP? Ray Stasieczko

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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