How is not the question which begins innovation - Why is

How is not the question which begins innovation - Why is

by Ray Stasieczko June 27, 2016

When we think about innovation we don’t start this thinking process in understanding how something can be better we focus on why something should be better. The why it’s needed - is our driving force. So if this is true why is it that so many organization get stuck in the how? I believe it’s because the easiest way to procrastinate moving forward is by bogging down your drive with the madness of needing absolutes.

“When you stop looking for absolutes, is when you discover the excitement of the unknown.” RJS

Things in our world move along with us, or without us. The challenge is being able to visualize what’s ahead or around the corner, or believing that somethings are perfect the way they are. Those who can take the power of their imagination, and funnel it towards being creative, will find themselves on the road to what I call “creation implementation”. Our imaginations only become valuable when what they describe is created.

In my life time there have been many technology advances. Some of these were short lived, and some have redefined how we live our lives. Many in the world continuously look at the failures over the years as their reasons to procrastinate bringing their imagination to the creativity stage. Those with curiosity look at what has failed as merely the first try towards something better. They see the failure as a tool, they see a beginning to what their imagination can recreate.

Innovation and time will continue changing the landscape and some of these changes will affect the how we do things. However the why we do things will always be the birth place of something new. The current and future consumers of our goods determine why they use them. Those pioneering a new way bet on the importance and acceptance of what they deliver. They have a clear understanding of why what they do or provide will benefit its participants. Once they begin their quest they perfect the process and the deliverable to match the why it’s needed. Why is an emotional based quest, and how is a perception of facts which may highjack the moving forward phase of developing the new way. Nothing can be perfect until it’s perfected. Perfection is a result of continuous observation and reaction to what’s observed. The why something needs improvement will provide the pioneer directions. The how it will be done should follow those directions not the other way around.

“Creativity is the language of your imagination”   

    R.J. Stasieczko

Ray Stasieczko
Ray Stasieczko


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