It's Skepticism That Kicks Bullshit Off The Path Towards Goodness!

It's Skepticism That Kicks Bullshit Off The Path Towards Goodness!

by ray stasieczko September 08, 2024

Some understand well it is easier to sell Bullshit than reality if the prospects are void of skepticism. We all know someone who has been taken advantage of, and today it seems to be part of everyday life.

I was reading a review of a book titled.

"Calling bullshit" in philanthropy.

The book's author, Michael E Hartmann

The following is an excerpt from that review

"Speaking from experience, there's a reason foundation work tends to breed cynicism. There might be benefit to some skepticism, however, according to Bergstrom and West. In fact, we need to relearn the art of skepticism to better spot bullshit, they believe, especially because it has evolved."

When I read that, I thought it was relevant as we are all bombarded with choices in supporting great causes. Yes, supporting great causes is admirable; we should all give something back.

However, more and more, we are seeing the hijacking of good intentions by marketers, or what some might even call charlatans.

I often think that folks are confused when defining kindness. Many times, what is perceived as kindness can, in reality, be Mean as Hell!

If one was asked if they interpreted the unselfish donation to great causes as kindness? The answer would be yes. However, what if the question was asked this way: Should one who takes advantage of great causes to promote themselves over any benefit to the cause be considered a Mean as Hell Person? Of course, the answer would be yes.

In both questions, the great cause is involved. Unfortunately, there are not enough skeptics to evaluate whether those working for the cause are defined in question one or two.

It's easy to get suckered in when one thinks about the sick and dying, our heroic veterans, or the many other worthy causes. People are all genuinely good. Most of us are compassionate and eager to help in supporting great causes.

But we all must remember, when evaluating the promotional vehicles of any great cause, it will be one's skepticism that filters out the Bullshit!

People are genuinely trusting and struggle with any thoughts of challenging what they perceive as something good. This reality fuels those who shift attention to themselves as they hijack great causes.

In our evolving world, where goodness is so easily taken advantage of, we must all be skeptical. Remember, being skeptical is not being mean. In reality, sitting by allowing the hijacking of great causes should be defined as mean!

There are many worthy, extraordinary fundraising events. We have all been to golf tournaments, charity auctions, civic events, or an industry event, all for the greater good. These are beautiful things.

It will only be through skepticism that one can put the emotions stirred by the great cause aside to evaluate the motives and realities of those promoting the cause.

I remember growing up watching the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. Jerry Lewis was a true soldier in the battle to help those children. Jerry did not stand or sit next to those sick and dying children to promote himself. He was promoting the children and their dreams of something better.

It is understandably rewarding to move towards kindness and goodness in a world where terrible things happen. So, on your journey towards goodness, make sure you bring along skepticism to keep you from tripping over the Bullshit along your journey.

Ray Stasieczko

Host of YouTube Podcast, The End Of The Day With Ray!

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