Lies seem More Valuable To Those Seeking Fantasies!

Lies seem More Valuable To Those Seeking Fantasies!

by ray stasieczko September 10, 2022

Lies seem More Valuable To Those Seeking Fantasies!   

Hiding from reality does not change it. Over the next couple of years, those friends of mine that sell, supply, and service business print equipment will face significant challenges, and through these challenges, they will be presented opportunities.

Here’s where I will say, “Beware the charlatans!” 

Over the last year, I have been vocal regarding substantiation. So, my friends, now more than ever- please substantiate what you hear.

I recently listened to an interview and the nonsense coming from the one being interviewed was beyond any reality.

I get it that some folks are highly delusional, some are just bold-faced liars, and others just want to remain comfortable, and challenging anything scares them into staying silent, or they distract one from what they are too weak to address.

When we ignore what we know should not be ignored, we are fooling ourselves. However, we are also being fooled when we take the unsubstantiated at their word. Either way, the result becomes a postponed challenge to what should have been challenged.

Now is the time to seek reality, and time is quickly running out. Business print volumes are rapidly diminishing, and the coming wrath will be extremely brutal.

So, please, my dealer friends, substantiate the claims. For example, I recently heard someone saying that print volumes are growing; I say, "show the details."

Over the last few Qtrs, we have seen some M&A activity in the channel. However, Dealers buying another dealer’s MIF (Machines in Field) and adding those Machines to their existing base is not an indication of growing volumes. Instead, this is just adding to your collection of declining revenue, more declining revenue. 

So, whatever the diversification you choose to replace the declining print revenues, make sure you substantiate entirely the realities of what it will take to transition successfully. Also, remember that transition is not anything comfortable, so be prepared to rip off band-aids and re-break bones on improperly attended-to fractures of the past. 

My friends, I realize it’s easier to live in a fantasy than jump into the hell of a complete business transition. But, unfortunately, the fantasy will end, and those still reading from its book will face the brutality of the realities they ignored.

Ray Stasieczko

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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